Board Oversight Task Group and Free Webcast

Members of the 2012 Task Group are:
Jim Fitzroy, CGCS – 2011 Past President (Chair)
Shelia Finney (Co-Chair)
Ken Gorzycki, CGCS
Pat Sisk, CGCS
Mike Swing, CGCS
Jon Maddern, CGCS – Past President
Ron Dahlin, CGCS – 2009 Task Group
Please feel free to contact the task group via email at Remember, if you hit reply to a listserve message, it goes to all members of that listserve. If you want the message to only go to the task group, you must forward it using just the email address.
Free Webcast covering Narrowbanding to be held on June 14th at 10 a.m. central
By midnight Dec. 31, everyone using wideband VHF and UHF radio systems in the 150-174 MHz and 421-512 MHz band, which use 25 kHz efficiency technology, must either switch to narrowband (12.5 kHz channel spacing) or employ a technology that achieves equivalent efficiency. Any equipment that is not capable of operating on channels of 12.5 kHz or less must be replaced.
Please help spread the word about this free webcast on an important golf facility compliance topic. You can find additional information and enroll here.
Shelia Finney
Task Group Co-Chair