GCI Annual State of the Industry study

Last year, more than 750 courses completed the 15-minute survey thanks in large part to a special incentive we offered: GCI made a donation to the Wee One Foundation based on the number responses we received. As a result, we presented a $2,500 check to the foundation this spring.
This year, we hope to contribute much more. The incentive is simple: for every completed survey we receive, we will donate $5 to the Wee One Foundation. And, to make it even better, our fr
iends at Syngenta have agreed to match our contribution as part of their sponsorship of the project. Our goal is to reach 1,000 completed responses this year and donate a combined $10,000 to an amazing organization that helps superintendents and others in our profession in times of need. I hope you are familiar with Wee One. I know they have touched the lives of individuals in many chapters around the nation, perhaps including yours.
We encourage you to take a few minutes to click on the link below and fill out the survey. When you do, you’ll be supporting the Wee One Foundation in their efforts to help our friends and colleagues in times of need.