GCSAA Action Alert

You are receiving this urgent message from GCSAA’s Department of Information and Public Policy because a member(s) of the House Committee on Agriculture resides in your state.
GCSAA needs your chapter members’ help in reaching out to the members of the House Agriculture Committee to ensure that H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2011, is included in the House Farm Bill and final 2012 Farm Bill.
Click on the action alert link below to learn more about the issue and how your chapter members in specific Congressional districts can complement my recent trip to Washington, DC, where I spoke directly with professional staff of the House Agriculture Committee on making sure H.R. 872 is included in the House Farm Bill as it is marked up in June.
**Your chapter members can identify their U.S. Representative in GCSAA’s Legislative Action Center at:http://capwiz.com/gcsaa/dbq/officials/
Thank you for your support and prompt attention to this matter. Upon review of the action alert, please let me know if you have any questions or need assistance.