How to Build A Better Team Seminar

Invites you and your staff members to attend a Full Day (.6 pts) Education Workshop at:
Kirtland Country Club
39438 Kirtland Road
Willoughby OH 44094
Date: Monday, November 28, 2011
Keynote Speaker: Mr. Bryan Dodge on “How to Build A Better Team” and MORE!
Registration and Continental Breakfast - 8:00 AM
Morning Session – 8:45 AM
Lunch - 12:00 PM
Afternoon Session - 1:00 PM
Cost: $75.00/Person
Click Here to Register

He is the author of three professional development audio programs, How to Build a Better You, How to Build a Complete Sales Person, and How to Build a Purpose Guided Life as well as being the co-author of the book Becoming the Obvious Choice which has sold over 125,000 copies. Bryan is also the host of the “Build a Better You” Radio Show on Dallas/Fort Worth’s premier Radio Station, WBAP 820 AM.
At all of his events, he continually stresses the importance of keeping your professional life and personal life in balance. Bryan practices what he teaches when he says that he goes home to his most important job: being an involved and dedicated father and husband. Bryan and his wife Margaret have three children, Nicole, Johnathan, and Zachary.