Letter from GCSAA President Keith Ihms, CGCS

Although the GCSAA board of directors has had ongoing dialogue with multiple member committees and with chapter delegates regarding this topic over the course of the past several years, we engaged in substantial discussions about membership classifications and standards at the Chapter Delegates Meeting in October 2014, with a goal to simplify and be more inclusive.
The result of those discussions is a draft membership proposal that would include fewer classifications and change standards required for Class A eligibility, while keeping education as a vital part of GCSAA membership. The CGCS designation would continue to be the pinnacle of the superintendent profession; however, nothing will be acted upon without full input from the membership.
If you are planning to attend the upcoming Golf Industry Show in San Antonio, there will be two informal dialogue gatherings about this topic on Wednesday, Feb. 25, from 10:30-noon and 2:30-5 p.m., in Ballroom B at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center. Please come with your inquiries, questions and/or concerns to address with GCSAA board representatives. As we continue to gather additional member input, you will receive more information on this topic throughout 2015.
At this time, I'm asking that you share your thoughts by going to https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WCB5BC3 and completing a very brief survey. Your input as a whole will help establish a formal proposal for membership consideration in 2016. Please be assured that we will listen to your feedback as we move forward.
Thank you. Your board of directors looks forward to hearing your thoughts.

Keith A. Ihms, CGCS
GCSAA President
GCSAA is dedicated to serving its members, advancing their profession, and enhancing the enjoyment, growth and vitality of the game of golf.
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America
1421 Research Park Drive | Lawrence, KS 66049-3859 | 800.472.7878