Rounds for Research
I hope this email finds all of you holding your own through another challenging summer. Once again we have heat, humidity, too much rain in areas and drought in others! I have been able to spend some time with many of you this year and if I have not seen you yet this year I hope to in my next visit with your chapter. I have received some great feedback from the chapters and the members that I have been able to share with my GCSAA teammates back in Lawrence. I thank you for sharing information with me and hope that if you need anything from GCSAA you will contact me so that I might be able to assist you.
I want to touch base with you all about a new service that GCSAA is offering to chapters. I trust you have seen a lot of information about the program from several emails and the website information that has been posted on The program is Rounds for Research and I am extremely excited about being involved and hopefully helping chapters taking advantage of this opportunity to raise funds for many of the terrific causes that you are already supporting.
Below are links to the latest information about the program and a pledge form for your chapter if you choose to participate. Also, below is a copy of an email sent to chapter leaders from GCSAA President, Sandy Queen CGCS. Please take a look at the information and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.
As I mentioned, I am very excited that I will personally be very involved in this project and looking forward to the opportunity to work closely with chapters. I sincerely believe this program will make a significant impact in a chapter’s commitment to supporting local research, advocacy, education and scholarship. I would be very happy to discuss this information with your board or membership at any time to discuss the potential benefits. Please let me know and I will make time to be available at one of your board meetings or chapter events in the near future. I look forward to the opportunity.
Click here to download the Rounds 4 Research Guide
John Miller, CGCS | Field Staff, Regional Representative (Great Lakes)
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA)
Letter from Sandy Queen CGCS
As you may be aware, last month GCSAA announced that its philanthropic organization, the Environmental Institute for Golf, was offering a fundraising opportunity for chapters and turf organizations.
We are presenting the Rounds 4 Research program as a platform for revenue generation through the online auction of rounds of golf. This program was created by the Carolinas Golf Course Superintendents Association and in three years generated nearly $350,000 to fund research and government relations activities. Working with the Carolinas GCSA, we are pleased to present the program nationally.
Attached are resources that provide more background on the program and a pledge form that will serve as notification that you wish to participate. Please complete the form and return to GCSAA via fax (785-832-4448), mail or scan to the attention of Mark Johnson, GCSAA Sr. Manager of Environmental Programs at The form serves as an indication you will partner with us to raise the resources.
This is a valuable program for GCSAA chapters and other organizations. Chapters have the ability to make a difference in fundraising to support research, specifically our land grant universities. With the reduction in State and Federal funding, now is the time to fully engage in the Rounds 4 Research program. I encourage you to read the attached information and discuss with your leadership and membership the opportunity it affords your chapter or organization.
We are asking for participating organizations to submit donated rounds to GCSAA by Monday, August 20th. This will help to build the initial inventory for the first auction period. However, donated rounds can still be submitted on an on-going basis. If you have questions, please contact Mark Johnson, GCSAA Sr. Manager of Environmental Programs at or 800-472-7878, ext. 5161.
We believe Rounds 4 Research offers a tremendous opportunity for your organization and the industry. I appreciate your consideration and am willing to discuss with you or your chapter leaders the opportunities and potential benefits of this program.
Sandy Queen, CGCS