USGA Turf Advisory Service Visits

One Golfview Lane · N. Olmsted, OH 44070
(440) 686-1070 · Fax: (440) 686-1075
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TO: NOGCSA Members
RE: USGA Turf Advisory Service Visits - 50% Discount
I hope you endured the long northeast Ohio winter and are gearing up for a great 2010 golf season. Despite the bitter cold temperatures and snow blasts over the past several months, the golf season is here and you are back on the course.
The Northern Ohio Golf Association and the NOGCSA have formed a strong relationship during the past several years. Whether it be through educational meetings, turfgrass projects or data research at the NOGA facility - the North Olmsted Golf Club - both organizations are working to enhance our relationship.
NOGA would like to once again extend a special offer to all the golf course superintendents who are members of the NOGCSA. Through our association with the USGA, the USGA Green Section and Bob Brame, NOGA is pleased to offer:
Half-day USGA Turf Advisory Service (TAS) - $ 900
The 2010 standard fee for a half-day TAS visit is $1,800. This offer allows you to get an on-site visit from Bob Brame, North Central Region Director, and gain valuable and impartial insight about your course from his expertise - at HALF PRICE.
What is a TAS Visit?
First started in 1953, this service permits individual facilities to reap the benefits of on-site visits by highly skilled USGA agronomists located in Green Section offices throughout the country. Each agronomist visits more than 130 courses annually. Their experience helps golf course staff and officials produce the best possible golf turf for the dollars that can be spent. The TAS purpose is not to tell anyone how to run a golf course or what products to buy. Rather, it seeks to bring a wealth of information and an impartial yet concerned perspective regarding turfgrass growth requirements, how these requirements might best be managed for golf, and ideas that other golf courses have found to be beneficial.
While the economy is tough and budgets are tight, this offer can provide you a substantial savings if your course was planning or thinking about utilizing a TAS visit in 2010.
If you are interested in taking advantage of this great offer and would like to schedule a TAS visit with Bob Brame in 2010, please contact me in the NOGA office by May 1.
Have a wonderful 2011 season. Enjoy the game.
Scotte Rorabaugh
Executive Director