Vendor Field Day

The 2014 NOGCSA Board would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the continued support of our organization. Our Chapter remains among the most respected in the nation through the dedication of all who are involved. This includes the constant involvement of our numerous vendors.
This year we are committed to making the Vendor Field Day better than ever! We are changing the format entirely, and are making a huge push to get more attendance at the event. Some of the highlights to this year’s event are:
- NOGCSA will be providing a free lunch to all attendees
- An effort will be made to have Members bring their assistants and mechanics to the event
- There will be an education seminar by John Miller (worth 1 hr. core) before the field day begins (to increase timely arrival)
- There will be a door prize ticket given to each attendee at registration. $100 prize (paid by NOGCSA)
- The ticket numbers will be used to divide everyone into smaller groups that will rotate from one vendor station to the next, giving you a chance at their undivided attention
- Email blasts and other advertising will be used. You may add a link to a website for further information about your product
- There will be a shotgun golf event 9 holes only
- This year’s event will be held at Bob O’ Link, Bryan Fitch, Superintendent
This year’s event will be held on Wednesday, August 13th. This is the schedule that we will use, although some changes may be required depending on participation:
- Registration: 9:00 to 9:30
- Education session 9:30 to 10:30
- Demo Stations 10:30 to 12:15
- Free Lunch 12:15 to 1:00
- Shotgun golf (9 holes) 1:00
- Raffles/Demos 3:30 to 4:30
- Ryan Miller
- Matt Kilpeck
- Lenny Marino
- Jason Bennett
- Mark Figurella
raffle drawings at their own station to help increase participation from attendees. The only cost to vendors will be the cost of the meeting. Thank you again for the support and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Please be timely with your responses, as we are going to want plenty of time to create flyers and advertising for the event. We are trying to build excitement about this event!
The 2014 NOGCSA Board
NOTE: Please set mowing equipment to the following heights of cut:
.110” Greens walking units
.100” Greens triplex
.300” Collars/Approaches
.460” Fairways
2.5” Rough