Webinar - Clean Water Act

The general permit will provide coverage for discharges in the areas where EPA is the NPDES permitting authority, which include six states (Alaska, Idaho, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Mexico, and Oklahoma), Washington, D.C., most U.S. territories and Indian country lands, and many federal facilities. In the remaining 44 states (and the Virgin Islands), the states are authorized to develop and issue the NPDES pesticide permits.
I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with many of your chapters during the past year reviewing your draft state permits and helping you offer feedback on the permit via public testimony and written comments. Mr. Faulk will provide an overview of permit requirements and outline EPA and State roles in administering the requirements. Even though the federal permit only covers 6 states, all GCSAA members should plan to attend the webinar as the federal permit forms the foundation of the other 44 state permits.
Here is a link to where you can register for the free webinar –http://www.gcsaa.org/Education/Webcasts/Upcoming-Live/Jan--19--Clean-Water-Act-Permitting-of-Pesticide-Discharges-What-Does-It-Mean-.aspx
GCSAA and its members worked hard in 2011 to help push for passage in Congress of H.R. 872 – the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2011. This bill would negate the need for the CWA NPDES chemical spraying permit. H.R. 872 hasn’t passed Congress yet but GCSAA will continue to push for passage of the bill in 2012 with its allies and members. In the meantime, the deadline for EPA enforcement of the new permit is upon us. It is important you and your chapter members are aware of your compliance obligations.
These links provide additional background information:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Chava Chava E. McKeel | Senior Manager, Information and Public Policy
Golf Course Superintendents Association of America
1421 Research Park Drive | Lawrence, KS 66049
800.472.7878, ext. 3619 | 785.832.3619 Direct
www.gcsaa.org | www.eifg.org