Wee One Foundation

This year, several companies have partnered with the Wee One Foundation to make it a recipient of rebates through individual early order programs. The Foundation is very thankful for this opportunity and we ask for your help. We'd like to get the word out to your constituents and get as many individuals clubs and course donate a portion of their "points" to the Wee One Foundation. We are not asking for all your points, but just a few. Our industry partners are gauging the reach of the Wee One Foundation through this program and if the prevalence of the Wee One Foundation is shown throughout the country, their support will grow. With your aid in spreading the word to your members, the Wee One Foundation will be able to continue its mission of helping others. At present Bayer and Aquatrols have included the Wee One Foundation in their Accolade and Turfbucks respective programs.
We have created a campaign to get the word out to superintendents, most notably a few color ads that can be placed in your newsletter, website, emails or other chapter communications. We ask that you help spread the word within your chapter and help the Wee One Foundation. If this is something that you can do for us, please contact Luke Cella (luke@weeone.org or call 630-457-7276) to work out the specifics that you require.
In closing, we also ask to always let us know if there is someone in your area that is in need of financial support through the Wee One Foundation.
Thank you for serving our industry and thank you for helping the Wee One Foundation.
Danny Quast President
History of the Wee One Foundation
The Wee One Foundation was founded in 2004 when friends of Wayne Otto, CGCS, banded together to financially assist him in his battle with cancer. Wayne was a pioneer in the turf industry, and was always searching for new and better ways to produce a finer playing surface. As Wayne learned more about his disease, he applied those same pioneering principles to overcome his illness.
Those who knew Wayne knew a man who was small in stature; a man that placed more effort and enthusiasm into his friendships and care for his fellow man. As passionate as Wayne was about turf, his love for life could not be measured. Wayne died in the fall of 2004 but his passion for life and his willingness to help others still live on because of the work of the Wee One Foundation.
Through the perseverance and hard work of several of Wayne's friends, the group developed its mission of helping those in need. Founded on the principle of assisting golf course management professionals (or their dependents) who incur overwhelming expenses due to medical hardship without comprehensive insurance or adequate financial resources, the Foundation has evolved into a cause that goes well beyond its initial reason for existence.
The Wee One Foundation was aptly named to honor Wayne. Nicknames are rarely chosen by their owner as in this case. On a golfing trip to Scotland with some friends, one of the group's caddies decided to place his wager on the "wee one". A small action (as legend has it) that turned out to be a sound decision by the caddie, that day, and a small gesture that has helped many other individuals through economic hardships due to overwhelming medical expenses. That is what the Wee One Foundation accomplishes today.
Wee One Foundation Facts
- The Foundation has gifted over $600,000.00 to individuals in 17 states.
- Members of the Wee One Foundation are found in 28 states.
- The Wee One has been and continues to be featured in industry publications including: Golf Course Management, Golf Course Industry, Superintendent News, Golfdom and many local superintendent chapter publications.
- The Wee One has been the subject of several feature videos on GCSAAtv.
- Annual Wee One events are held in Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Virginia, Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky.
- The Wee One Foundation raises funds through golf events, auctions, membership, industry partnerships and gifts.
- It is a 501 (c)(3) Non Profit Charitable Organization headquartered at the Midwest Golf House in Lemont, Illinois.