Wee One Foundation Benefit Reception

Many states have come together to host events to benefit the Wee One Foundation. We have tossed around the idea of putting something together here in Ohio for the past several years, but now we finally have something on the books!
We initially thought about a golf outing…let's face it, it's something we're familiar with! But since we all have several golf functions throughout the year, we'd like to try something a little different.
We will be hosting a Wee One Foundation Benefit Reception, inviting industry professionals and their significant others to join us for an evening of fellowship to support this wonderful cause! Heavy hors d'oeuvres, dessert and an open bar (includes beer and wine; cash bar for liquor) will be offered.
The registration for the Wee One Foundation Benefit Reception is now available at www.weeone.org. For those traveling from out of town, we’ve secured room rates of $99 per night at the Holiday Inn Express in Dublin (614.793.5500 - reference the Wee One Foundation event).
A few points for this event:
- This will be a social event where we encourage individuals to bring their significant others
- We would also ask that superintendents consider inviting some of their more active/supportive members/board members/greens committee members; we will likely have several golf packages and their support of the event and these packages could make a considerable difference in the amount we’re able to raise for the Foundation